The Re-Invent Health Podcast and Nicci Robertson makes no warranty, endorsement, guarantee, or representation as to the accuracy or sufficiency of the information featured in this Podcast. The information, opinions, and recommendations presented in this Podcast are for general information only and any reliance on the information provided in this Podcast is done at your own risk. This Podcast should not be considered professional or medical advice.
The opinions cited by podcast guests are not endorsed by Re-Invent Health or Nicci Robertson. The information provided remains the exclusive copyright of the individual or company interviewed.
The third party materials or content of any third party site referenced in this Podcast do not necessarily reflect the opinions, standards or policies of the show. The Re-Invent Health Podcast and Nicci Robertson assume no responsibility or liability for the accuracy or completeness of the content contained in the content or third party materials or on third party sites referenced in this Podcast or the compliance with applicable laws of such materials and/or links referenced herein. If you are seeking medical or health advice of any nature please consult first and foremost with your doctor.